1. Book Review: Surveillance Valley

    Tue 01 October 2024 By Andrew McConachie

    Surveillance Valley

    When Surveillance Valley by Yasha Levine was published in 2018 I took a rather perfunctory look at it and figured I wasn’t that interested in reading it. The little bit I could read on Amazon didn’t impress me and so I ignored it. Since then I’ve encountered …

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  2. Character Motivation in RPGs

    Thu 22 August 2024 By Andrew McConachie


    This article presents a thought exercise that likely goes too far down a very specific rabbit hole. It was originally motivated by my frustration with the lack of a good mechanic for social interaction in the Traveller table top role playing game (TTRPG). From there it took on a life …

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  3. #10 Chuang-Tzu

    Mon 20 April 2020 By Andrew McConachie


    It has taken me a too long to write this final entry. I started this 10 books thing about 14 months ago and wanted to write an entry a month. Initially I wrote more than an entry a month, but then after #9 I totally slacked off and didn't write …

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  4. #9 Technopoly

    Sat 01 June 2019 By Andrew McConachie


    It's probably a bit odd for someone whose life revolves around computers as much as mine does that none of the books on this list so far have been computer books. This is not to say I have not read any good computer books. Some that stand out are Structured …

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  5. #8 On Guerrilla Warfare

    Mon 01 April 2019 By Andrew McConachie

    Guevara | Zedong

    I recently reread Paolo Freire's The Pedagogy of the Oppressed and I was reminded why I put On Guerilla Warfare on this list. During my junior year at University I studied abroad in India for a semester, at Cochin University in Kerala. I was getting a major in Computer Science …

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